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Poquoson Little League

Residency Requirements

Residency Requirements

Little League Residency Requirements

A player will be deemed to reside within the league boundaries if:

A.) His/her guardians are living together and are residing within such league boundaries,


B.) Either of the player’s parents (or his/her court-appointed legal guardian) resides within such boundaries. It is unacceptable if a parent moves into a league’s boundaries for the purpose of qualifying for tournament play. “Residence,” “reside” and “residing” refers to a place of bona fide continuous habitation. A place of residence once established shall not be considered changed unless the parents, parent or guardian makes a bona fide change of residence.


C.) The player attends school in a different boundary than where either of the player’s parents (or his/her court-appointed legal guardian) resides within such boundaries. Enrollment papers from the school must be presented at the time of registration.

School Enrollment Form

**Players and their parents/guardians are advised that a false statement of residence may lead to ineligibility to play Little League Baseball or Softball. Under NO circumstances does ANY person have the authority to grant a waiver that allows a child to play in a local Little League program IN ANY DIVISION, when that child does not qualify under these residency requirements.

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