2025 Online Registration
Online Registration open December 1st until January 25th for Spring Ball
We highly encourage players to sign up online, and please ensure that your information is up to date and accurate!
- If you are a NEW registrant, you will need to attend an in-person registration session and provide an original birth certificate as well as three proofs of residency.
- If you have moved from 2023 registered address, please bring proofs of residency to one of the in-person registration sessions.
If you don't meet all three, don't worry, you can still sign up. You just have to attend one of the in-person registrations. Go here for more information!
If you don't have an online account, follow the steps below.
Steps for on-line registration:
1) Click on the register button and fill out information under new contact.
2) Continue by filling out your information along with your spouse/second guardian information. Please put as much as you can. Once you fill this part out, you will not need to fill this out for any future registrations unless information changes! If there is not a second parent, please put N/A in the required spots.
3) Add your children’s information. It is so much easier to go ahead and put all your children in the system before registering for the season. *Make sure the birth date is correct!*
4) After registering your children, hit the next button and you will see your account. No one can see the account except for you and our webmaster.
5) During the period that on-line registration is open, you will see your children’s names and a register button next to them.
6) Click on the division(s) you are signing up for. Make sure if you are signing up for multiple children, you register them at the same time.
7) Volunteer- Sign up to manage, coach, team mom or help out in the concession stand during the season! If you pass on this, but change your mind later, you can sign up to volunteer by going to My Account-Volunteer. If you choose to volunteer, you will need to fill out a volunteer form and bring to one of the in-person registrations.
8) You are almost done! Check out screen is next. Fill out the payment information. Make sure everything is correct and agree to terms and hit submit! You can see your order anytime by going to My Account-My Orders.
If at any time you have any of the following issues:
-Website malfunctions, error issues, wrong information on online registrations, or account issues- contact Taylor Sherrill at [email protected] or [email protected]
-Registration questions such as divisions, proofs of residency requirements, etc. - contact [email protected]
-Monies/payments- contact Charlotte Ross (Treasurer) at [email protected]
-Financial issues- contact Taylor Sherrill (President) and Charlotte Ross (PLL Treasurer).